We are planning to cycle around the coast of the UK carrying everything we need in panniers. We have initially planned a 50km daily distance rule as I am not really a cyclist (although I can ride a bike!) and to be honest I am quite intimidated by the proposed plan - but also quite excited.
I have decided to write a regular blog to record the ups and downs of this journey from the perspective of a reasonably active 52 year old woman who can't have a sprocket conversation with anyone but wants to give cycling a go!
I am raising money for Cancer Research UK

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Sunny Scotland!

We have now cycled about 1800km - this seems to have happened suddenly, and I didn't notice the distance creeping up. We have had fabulous weather recently, and this has allowed us to take in the spectacular scenery. Admittedly it did snow heavily on the day we crossed into Scotland via Gretna Green, but I am now in short sleeves and knee length leggings. 

Galloway is a fantastic area and I will return here on another occasion to explore it fully. We have stayed in some lovely villages and towns, had plenty of nice fish and seafood from a variety of chip shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants and we are managing to stay on budget. We generally have a large full cooked B&B breakfast, soup or nothing for lunch, and then eat in the evening. If we overspend on an evening meal one night then the following evening is a cheese, apple and oatcake room picnic! The cycling is quite undulating but we are still managing to avoid the big busy trunk roads so it is very pleasant.
As far as the cycling is concerned I am still pushing my bike up long steep hills, but I have got more proficient on shallow hills and I am spending more time in slightly higher gears.  I have a rather ridiculous tanned pattern on the back of my hands from the cycle gloves, and strong tan lines at my knees and ankles - but I am not complaining!

We are seeing plenty of bird and animal life as we cycle along, and now we are on the Rhins of Galloway with it's warmer temperatures, we are starting to see bluebells, leaves opening on trees, and birds building nests.