We are planning to cycle around the coast of the UK carrying everything we need in panniers. We have initially planned a 50km daily distance rule as I am not really a cyclist (although I can ride a bike!) and to be honest I am quite intimidated by the proposed plan - but also quite excited.
I have decided to write a regular blog to record the ups and downs of this journey from the perspective of a reasonably active 52 year old woman who can't have a sprocket conversation with anyone but wants to give cycling a go!
I am raising money for Cancer Research UK

Tuesday 31 March 2015

The first 1000km

We have now cycled around the Welsh coast, around the Wirral and have clocked up the first 1000+ kilometres. The estimate for the whole UK coast is between 6000 to 7000 km, so 1000km is a reasonably recognisable and smallish fraction, and I can start to reassure myself that 1/7th to 1/6th of the route is complete! 

When we first 'went public' with the cycling plan to friends it felt like a risky thing to tell people - Nick has completed long cycle journeys before, but I had not. No-one likes to fail at something, and so having completed 1000km gives me hope that maybe there is a possibility that I can complete.

This week there have been gale force winds and quite a lot of rain - dealing with each day as it comes has been the way to keep up motivation and actually, although I am always delighted and relieved to arrive at the B&B of the day, the cycling has not been as difficult as it was in my imagination.